Faith Outreach Center
Church of God by Faith
Min. Deloris Y. McBride, PhD - Director
Sumter, SC 29150

Faith Outreach Center was founded through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to provide opportunities that promote spiritual growth and talent discovery. The center is an extension of the Church of God by Faith, SC District to provide opportunities for worship experiences that engages the total person as it relates to spiritual and physical needs. There are activities for everyone to include: Church school, prayer and worship services, health ministry, elderly ministries, youth ministries, college connection, and scholarship program.

Deloris Y. McBride, PhD Director

D.Y. McBride was inspired by God to organize an outreach center to provide not only spiritual innovations but also opportunities for the community to be enhanced through various social and technological efforts.
Deloris oversees the creative direction at Faith Outreach Center. Her passion is to involve everyone and to encourage everyone to discover his/her God given talents and gifts as well to use them for the Kingdom of God.
Deloris is a life-long member of the Church of God by Faith and is an educator. She has been involved with numerous efforts promoting the Kingdom of God.
Elder Mack S. Wilson is the District Superintendent of the South Carolina District. Elder Wilson's information can be found at www.sccogbf.org with additional information about the Church of God by Faith South Carolina District.
“We're a small and growing outreach ministry. We look forward to meeting you and helping you define and identify your goals and spiritual gifts.
Deloris Y. McBride